Kashirin I.Yu.

The idea of ICF+ relationships and ICF+ ontologies

The idea of ICF+ relationships and ICF+ ontologies



I (IS-A) C (Contr) F (Form) = ICF+ - a derived taxonomic relation with wonderful properties.

other ICF+ designation: icf



It is based on a three-elements relationship


Icf (parent p, left-child a, right-child b)       =     p (a, b)


Graphically, it looks like this:






The semantics of the relationship consists of three basic relationships:


• Is-A (hyperonym, hyponym) – generic relationship (hyperonym, hyponym)


• Form (concept, aspect) – the concept "can manifest itself in the form" of its aspect


• Contr (concept a, concept b) – concepts a and b are semantically opposite


I - "IS-A", C - "Contr", F - "Form":   ICF+ or icf



Then p(a, b) means the following:


• Is-A (p, a)


• Is-A (p, b)


• Form(p, a)


• Form(p, b)


• Contr(a, b)


I.e. in more detail, Fig.1 looks like this:





Example 1


                     ICF+-Relation:   Essence (Space, Time) ,


                               i.e. "extremely abstract concept" ("statics", "dynamics")


which means,


• "Space is a special case of any entity"


• "Time is a special case of any entity"


• "Space is one of the manifestations of any entity"


• "Time is one of the manifestations of any entity"


• "Space and Time are opposite concepts


It turns out that everything that really exists can be viewed statically, as an instant frozen snapshot (space) or dynamically, as an object continuously changing over time.


The ICF relationship means that any dynamic process is an entity, which means it can be viewed as any entity using a snapshot (static).


On the other hand, any static object is also an entity, which means that, like any entity, it can be considered as changing over time (in dynamics).


Space and time are two opposite forms of manifestation of any entity.


Example 2


          ICF+-Relation: Object (A complex situational structure, A simple single instance)


A more complex taxonomy is shown in the following figure





This ICF+ ontology contains the taconomy of ICF+ relationships, because all relationships here are typed as icf.

Therefore, each node of the taxonomy nodes can manifest itself in the form of any other node

In the above taxonomy, there is not a single node that could not be viewed from the angle of each of the other nodes.

For example, a system can be viewed as a finite or infinite structure, or for example, as an argument or result.


To be continued ...



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ICF+ ontologies

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